You may return your order within 30 days from the original receipt date of your order. In the event that you are unwilling or unable to return the item within 30 days from the receipt date, any return will be denied. We are not liable for missing, damaged, incorrect orders or parts after 30 days from receipt.

To begin with the return process please contact our customer support:


By sending an email to:

or using Contact Form;

or calling us on:

and please indicate if you are needing a replacement or a refund.

To be eligible for a return all items must be in the same condition when purchased (unmodified and unaltered condition), with all original packaging attached and packed in an appropriate shipping container. Certain products will not be eligible for return if the seals have been opened due to hygiene reasons.
Some health and personal care items are non-returnable.

Products must be returned to the return facility address provided by our customer service, otherwise, we will reject your return. Please, confirm the return facility address with our customer service.
A valid return tracking code (showing the correct return address) is to be sent to the customer support team in order to proceed with your refund.

After receiving the returned item, we will inspect it and credit the customer’s account for the original purchase price minus the shipping and handling fee within 30 days upon receipt of the returned item at the returns facility.


All return shipping arrangements and charges shall be organized and paid by you. Shipping fees are non-refundable. If you are shipping an item of higher value, you should consider using a trackable shipping service.


Approved refund will be processed back to the original payment method and in the original currency. You will receive the credit within a certain amount of days, depending on your card issuer’s policies. Possible difference in the refunded amount may depend on variations of the currency exchange rate and will not be refunded.


We will not refund any customer whose order is not received because the shipping address provided during the purchase was incomplete or inaccurate. We will only refund a customer, or offer a resend, if the package is classified by the carrier company as undeliverable and if the provided address is correct. If your package was delivered but you did not receive it, it is your responsibility to contact the carrier company and resolve the issue or file a claim for the missing package.